--Off to Arezzo! -- a small city in Italy. Sidenote for you all: apparently part of the movie Under the Tuscan Sun was filmed there (though which part, I could not tell you). Nikki, Amanda, Karlie, and I took a 40-minute train ride, during which I of course drew the random man who sat down next to Karlie.
hello random man
countryside view from Arezzo
Once in Arezzo, we wandered around the city, had some lunch, and sat in the beautiful piazza, rightfully called Piazza Grande. We sat on the ground in the center of the piazza, and absorbed the Tuscan sun on this lovely day.
part of Piazza Grande
narrow buildings in the slanting piazza
peculiar sketch of the day
The journey home was another story since we were unaware that the trains were on strike today. How convenient! Three train rides to Firenze cancelled, and a few hours later, we were on a moving train back to good ol’ Florence!
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